I.66. sadho, sabd sadhana kijai RECEIVE THAT Word from which the Universe springeth! That Word is the Guru; I have heard it, and become the disciple. How many are there who know the meaning of that Word? O Sadhu! practise that Word! The Vedas and the Puranas proclaim it, The world is established in it, The Rishis and devotees speak of it: But none knows the mystery of the Word. The householder leaves his house when he hears it, The ascetic comes back to love when he hears it, The Six Philosophies expound it, The Spirit of Renunciation points to that Word, From that Word the world-form has sprung, That Word reveals all. Kabir says: 'But who knows whence the Word cometh?'
IT IS NIGHT. The travellers spread their mats on the ground under the banyan tree. A gust of wind blows out the lamp and the darkness deepens like a sleep into a swoon. Someone from the crowd suddenly stands up and pointing to the leader with merciless finger breaks out: 'False prophet, thou hast deceived us!' Others take up the cry one by one, women hiss their hatred and men growl. At last one bolder than others suddenly deals him a blow. They cannot see his face, but fall upon him in a fury of destruction and hit him till he lies prone upon the ground his life extinct. The night is still, the sound of the distant waterfall comes muffled and a faint breath of jasmine floats in the air.