THE TIME is past when I could repay her for all that I received. Her night has found its morning and thou hast taken her to thy arms: and to thee I bring my gratitude and my gifts that were for her. For all hurts and offences to her I come to thee for forgiveness. I offer to thy service those flowers of my love that remained in bud when she waited for them to open.
আমি অতি পুরাতন, এ খাতা হালের হিসাব রাখিতে চাহে নূতন কালের। তবুও ভরসা পাই-- আছে কোনো গুণ, ভিতরে নবীন থাকে অমর ফাগুন। পুরাতন চাঁপাগাছে নূতনের আশা নবীন কুসুমে আনে অমৃতের ভাষা।