THE SPRING with its leaves and flowers has come into my body.
The bees hum there the morning long, and the winds idly play with the shadows.
A sweet fountain springs up from the heart of my heart.
My eyes are washed with delight like the dew-bathed morning, and life is quivering in all my limbs like the sounding strings-of the lute.
Are you wandering alone by the shore of my life, where the tide is in flood, 0 lover of my endless days?
Are my dreams flitting round you like the moths with their many-
coloured wings?
And are those your songs that are echoing in the dark caves of my being?
Who but you can hear the hum of the crowded hours that sounds in my veins to-day, the glad steps that dance in my breast, the clamour of the restless life beating its wings in my body?
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