MY BONDS ARE cut, my debts are paid, my door has been opened, I go everywhere. They crouch in their corner and weave their web of pale hours, they count their coins sitting in the dust and call me back. But my sword is forged, my armour is put on, my horse is eager to run. I shall win my kingdom.
II. 81. satgur soi daya kar dinha IT IS THE MERCY of my true Guru that has made me to know the unknown; I have learned from Him how to walk without feet, to see without eyes, to hear without ears, to drink without mouth, to fly without wings; I have brought my love and my meditation into the land where there is no sun and moon, nor day and night. Without eating, I have tasted of the sweetness of nectar; and without water, I have quenched my thirst. Where there is the response of delight, there is the fullness of joy. Before whom can that joy be uttered? Kabir says: 'The Guru is great beyond words, and great is the good fortune of the disciple.'