NONE NEEDS BE thrust aside to make room for you. When love prepares your seat she prepares it for all. Where the earthly King appears, guards keep out the crowd, but when you come, my King, the whole world comes in your wake.
I WILL MEET one day the Life within me, the joy that hides in my life, though the days perplex my path with their idle dust. I have known it in glimpses, and its fitful breath has come upon me making my thoughts fragrant for a while. I will meet one day the Joy without me that dwells behind the screen of light-and will stand in the overflowing solitude where all things are seen as by their creator.
III. 2. jo khoda masjid vasat hai IF GOD BE within the mosque, then to whom does this world belong? If Ram be within the image which you find upon your pilgrimage, then who is there to know what happens without? Hari is in the East: Allah is in the West. Look within your heart, for there you will find both Karim and Ram; All the men and women of the world are His living forms. Kabir is the child of Allah and of Ram: He is my Guru, He is my Pir.