- PARDON ME, if in my pride (70:Poems)
- PEAKL SHELLS cast (231:Fireflies)
- PERHAPS THE crescent (167:Fireflies)
- PICK UP THIS life (17:Crossing)
- PILGRIM, THE night of (58:Poems)
- PITILESS DARTS of fire (66:Poems)
- PLUCK THIS little flower (6:Gitanjali)
- POWER SAID to the world (93:Stray Birds)
- POWER TAKES as ingratitude (158:Stray Birds)
- PRAISE SHAMES me (207:Stray Birds)
- PRIDE ENGRAVES (124:Fireflies)
- PRISONER, TELL me, who was (31:Gitanjali)
- PROFIT SMILES (128:Fireflies)
- PUT OUT THE lamp when (289:Stray Birds)
- PUT OUT THE lamps, my heart (40:Crossing)