- GAPS ARE left in life through (148:Stray Birds)
- GIVE ME THE supreme (37:The Fugitive III)
- GO THOU TO the company of the good (71:One Hundred Poems of Kabir)
- GOD COMES to me in the dusk (314:Stray Birds)
- GOD EXPECTS answers for the flowers (26:Stray Birds)
- GOD FINDS himself by creating (46:Stray Birds)
- GOD GROWS weary of great (67:Stray Birds)
- GOD HONOURED me (194:Fireflies)
- GOD HONOURS me (97:Fireflies)
- GOD IN His (156:Fireflies)
- GOD is ashamed when the (108:Stray Birds)
- GOD KISSES the finite in his (303:Stray Birds)
- GOD LOVES man's lamp lights (194:Stray Birds)
- GOD LOVES TO (141:Fireflies)
- GOD SAW to man, 'I heal you therefore (63:Stray Birds)
- GOD SEEKS comrades (25:Fireflies)
- GOD WAITS for man to regain (300:Stray Birds)
- GOD WAITS to win back his own (215:Stray Birds)
- GOD's GREAT power is in the gentle (151:Stray Birds)
- GOD'S RIGHT hand is gentle (211:Stray Birds)
- GOD'S SILENCE ripens (305:Stray Birds)
- GOD'S WORLD is (93:Fireflies)
- GODS' TIRED OF their (39:Fireflies)
- GORAKHNATH ASKS Kabir (29:One Hundred Poems of Kabir)
- GUESTS OF my life (75:Crossing)