- SAILING THROUGH the night (36:Crossing)
- SANATAN WAS telling his beads by the Ganges (27:Fruit-Gathering)
- SAY OF HIM what you (The Judge:The Crescent Moon)
- SERVE YOUR God, who (86:One Hundred Poems of Kabir)
- SET BIRD'S wings with gold (231:Stray Birds)
- SHADOW, WITH her veil drawn (47:Stray Birds)
- SHE DWELT HERE by the pool (16:Lover's Gift)
- SHE IS NEAR TO my heart (4:Lover's Gift)
- SHE IS OUR own (Santiniketan Song:Collected Poems and Plays)
- SHE IS STILL a child, my lord (61:Fruit-Gathering)
- SHE IS THE SPIRIT of an (116:Poems)
- SHE LEFT ME her flower (74:Poems)
- SHE WENT away (22:The Fugitive II)
- SHE WHO EVER had remained in (66:Gitanjali)
- SILENCE WILL carry your voice (155:Stray Birds)
- SINCE THE FIRST day-break (101:Poems)
- SIT STILL my heart (190:Stray Birds)
- SMOKE BOASTS to the sky (236:Stray Birds)
- Somaka and Ritvik (25:The Fugitive III)
- SOME DAY I shall sing to thee (291:Stray Birds)
- SOME HAVE thought deeply (210:Fireflies)
- SOME ONE HAS secretly (33:Crossing)
- SOME UNSEEN fingers, like idle breeze (11:Stray Birds)
- SORROW is hushed into peace in my heart (10:Stray Birds)
- SORROW THAT has lost (22:Fireflies)
- SPRING hesitates (79:Fireflies)
- SPRING SCATTERS the petals (4:Fireflies)
- STAND BEFORE my eyes (54:Crossing)
- STORM OF midnight, like a giant (136:Stray Birds)
- STRAY BIRDS of summer come to my window (1:Stray Birds)
- STRUCK WITH the curse (7:Poems)
- SUBTLE is the path (55:One Hundred Poems of Kabir)
- SUDAS, THE GARDENER, plucked from his tank the last lotus left (19:Fruit-Gathering)
- SUDDENLY THE window of my heart flew open this morning (68:Fruit-Gathering)
- SULLEN CLOUDS are gathering (The Rainy Day:The Crescent Moon)
- SUPPOSING I became a champa (The Champa Flower:The Crescent Moon)
- SWEETNESS OF thy name (297:Stray Birds)